Senior Security Managers

This unique, extremely comprehensive program focuses on civil security management in Israel. The program aims to teach students to manage and supervise all aspects of security systems, and provides the necessary in-depth professional knowledge. 

The program combines the study of security, safety, and emergency response issues, taught by experienced instructors from various security systems. Students are also taught additional knowledge on customer relationship management, by instructors of the Ariel University Center.

Target Population

Security managers and senior officers in local governments, companies, organizations, security installations, security companies, and various security headquarters Candidates for security-related managerial and staff positions with organizations and companies Individuals who wish to propose candidacy for security management positions Individuals interested in studying security-related topics.

Main topics of study

Security theory – principles, methods, human resources, and means Terror organizations in Israel and worldwide – characteristics and methods of operation Risk analysis and situation assessment Elements of national security The Security Officer – planning, management, control, and command Responding to criminal threats Legal arrangements in force in Israel: constitutional, security and geo-political aspects.